07 November 2013


It is that time of year again for graduations here in Guatemala!
Every year we get invited to quite a few graduations and at many I am asked to be "Dad".
This year we had some very special graduations.
It began earlier this year as I have already reported with our daughter Felicita graduating from Berea College, and then following that with our youngest daughter, Maria, graduating from High School!

Duguer graduating 
Now is the Guatemala season and we were so happy to watch Duguer graduate! 
Duguer is the middle son of Ernesto & Susana that live with us! 
We are very proud of Duguer and excited for him to continue on in básicos next year.

Sharol graduating básicos
 Another graduation was for Sharol Escobar. Sharol has been one of our dearest youth involved with our youth groups from the beginning.
Sharol was graduating from básicos and I am so very proud of her for working hard to finish!
While at her graduation I was surprised when they called her name to be asked up on stage for the photo with the parents! I hadn't been informed beforehand, but I had arrived a little bit late so that is why!

Susana with her family
 Another graduation we were so proud to attend was for our Susana! 
Susana is 33 and graduated from 6th grade! Many adults that grow up out in rural areas, especially women, never finish the basic education. Most are either never sent to school, or pulled out at an early age to work in the home etc. Susana has wanted for years to complete the basic education, so when her kids were big enough for her to leave some evenings and weekends, she enrolled in a course for adults to complete the basic education requirements.

Susana with extended family & friends
 It was not easy for Susana, with a family and job, and even with lots of homework, she stuck with it and successfully completed the program!
Many of her extended family and many friends came to honor her at her graduation!
We love you and are so very proud of you Susana!

Rony presenting a diploma to Andrew
 Another graduation we were asked to attend was for Colegio Evangélico Génesis, in Puerto San José on the Pacific coast of Guatemala.
This is a school we have helped for several years and become very close to Rony Montepeque, the Director, and his family.
We even placed an intern, Andrew, with them for a month.

Edwin graduating básicos
 Andrew did some help around the school, painting and repairing desks etc.
So, at the graduation they even presented Andrew with a diploma for his help!
We also were there to see Edwin graduate, he is the kid that saved some friends of ours from drowning in the ocean several years ago. He had not been in school for over a year at the time, so after he saved some of the Conner family, they and some of their supporters have put Edwin through school and we were able to watch him graduate!

Colegio Evangélico Génesis 2013 Básico graduates!
There were also a couple of graduations I was invited to that I was unable to attend, and a couple that I did not go to the ceremony but was able to go to a celebration dinner.
I think I am done with graduations now for 2013!

Congratulations to all of the graduates! 
We are proud of you!
May God bless you for your accomplishments and continue to lead and guide you to the next goal ahead of you!

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