We are heading into a time of HIGH activity. Thursday we have a group of 13 arriving from Denton, TX. They will be working at our church, Iglesia Pueblo de Dios. The day after they leave, my very good friend Mike Watters will arrive with his daughter, Kelly, and son Cory. Then, the next day a team of 10 from Bellingham, WA arrives, and the following day a group of 15 from Portland, OR arrive. Mike W. will accompany the B'ham team to Huehuetenango, and then I will take the Portland group to Huehue on Easter Sunday. Both groups will work at Berea Bible Institute. They will all leave for the States (except Mike W. and Cory) on the 29th. We will miss the farewell because we will be at our annual CAM Guatemala Field conference the 28th to 30th of March. We will spend the following week with Mike and Cory, working and visiting several other ministries. Then on April 5, the H.S. youth group from our home church, Northlake Community Church, will arrive, and Mike and Cory will go with them again to Huehuetenango. They will all return and head back to the USA on April 12. The same day a couple from our church, Ed & Bonnie Alm, will arrive to stay with us and help with some projects at our church here. Then....whew....after they leave April 20, our dear friend Christie will come for a 5? day visit. She was actually supposed to be here right now, but her flight last Thursday out of Dallas was canceled due to snow!
Well, it may sound busy, but to me it sounds like a lot of fun! That is why we are here. We are also now doing a lot of communicating with about a dozen interns and potential interns planning to serve here in Guatemala this coming summer. We are also visiting several other ministries, children's homes etc and forming some partnerships for more places for interns to serve . We have some more ministries to visit soon too. It is such a blessing to be in all of this. God is moving and it is a blast to be carried along in His wake.
Well, for a first blog I seem to have gotten quite long winded, but you have a glimpse of the month or two ahead for us, and hopefully through this blog, we can take you along with us!
Hang on!
ahhh..I miss you guys soo much!!
Great picture! (:
It is fun to be hear what your days are filled with this season. Keep up the good work!
Thanks again for all you did to host me while I was in Guatemala- the Lord used you in huge ways!
Looking forward to staying in touch! Janell
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