07 January 2009


So....we all live in a time where we place a lot of importance on things.
For instance....most of us have come to rely on our cell phones as a necessity.
But, sometimes it takes a good slap upside the head to remind us what is really, truly important. Is it our cell phone? No, not really.

My old cell phone

So, last Friday, Jan 2nd, I was 'slapped upside the head'. Not literally, but figuratively.
I was out walking on the boulevard here in San Cristobal, as I often do, and it was about 
3:00 PM in the afternoon. I am always pretty aware of all that is going on around me, but I did not notice a young guy, about 18 - 20 yrs. old come up behind me. I just heard someone behind me say something, so, I turned around and saw this guy standing a few feet away. He then said to me, "give me your phone". 
It was about that moment when I looked him over and saw the gun in his hand pointed at my chest. I must admit my first thought was not fear, but I was amazed that someone would take a chance of going to prison for years over an old cell phone.
So, he points the gun more forcefully at me and repeats himself, "give me your phone".

Well, it's just a phone, so I handed him my cell phone. 

He took the phone and told me to continue walking where I was headed and he went the other way. He went down and crossed the boulevard and it looked like he got in a taxi.

Afterwards it hit me a little more what had happened, and I thanked the Lord for His protection from injury, or worse. Afterall, it's just a phone.
I also had some money on me, not a lot, but some, but he never even asked for anything other than my phone.

Unfortunately, thus is the state of affairs in Guatemala. Crime continues to increase here, as poverty and desperation also increase.
I now can say we LIVE in Guatemala, as it seems a majority of people who have lived in Guatemala at least 5 years, have at some point been a victim of crime. 

Please pray for Guatemala, for the crime and violence that keeps growing here. 

I continue to believe that most people are good, and I love Guatemala more than ever.

 I will continue to walk, carefully, not wanting to let the bad guys have the victory there.

The day after I was robbed, at our youth group meeting while we were taking prayer requests, my daughter Maria asked that we would pray for the guy who robbed me. I pass that request on to all of you, please pray also for him. 
Pray that God's light would shine on Guatemala.

My new phone

It's just a phone. I do have a new phone now, it is a very valuable tool. But.......
It's just a phone.


Pastor Bill said...

Mike, Way to respond to one of life's many surprises. Louise and I think the world of you guys and are so confident Guatemala DOES see our Lord in and through your hearts and your service and in your home. Have a great new year.

Bill and Louise G

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord you are safe! It is happening more here two. I know of two folks in the last week with the same experience.

Take care bro and tell the family hi from us!

mark and michelle

Unknown said...

I'm so thankful you're ok!
Thanks for sharing what happened, it is a good reminder to those of us who love you guys to pray for the Lord's constant protection over you.
Do you have any plans to be in the US this year? I miss the Glicks! It's been way to long hermano.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Yikes! Glad you are okay - thanking the Lord for His protection... and your good perspective :0)

Julie G

Anonymous said...

Dude, was this in San Cristobal? Huh... crazy. How old was this guy? What a pain man... My roomie's girlfriend got robbed while she was in her car "at knife-point" the other day, and all he asked for was her cell phone too. Crazy. Guatemalan jail is not a place on MY "must visit" list... Glad you're well. :) There are more for us than those who are against us bro.

Heidi said...

Praise God for keeping you safe, right!
But since you're still alive and well can you please tell us whats happening now :)
The picture of Casita's new mural is currently my computer's background. Thanks for sending it!
See you pretty soon I hope.
