03 March 2011

As Much Fun As Pulling Teeth!

Hi. This is Sandi. I'm just so excited to share about the privilege I had to join a team from Minnesota last week to do some dental & eye clinics in many different villages in Huehuetenango. 

Sandi and team from Minnesota
I was invited by Edwin Martinez and Gail Davison and am so thankful for the invitation they offered me to join the team and be blessed.

Dr. Rick DDS, Nurse Sandi, Nurse Nancy & Dr. Jeff DDS 
We had two Dentists, an Eye Doctor and several talented nurses, painters and children's workers. We saw God working in many miraculous ways as we came into contact with hundreds of people.

Sandi giving parasite medicine
I had the privilege of passing out over 200 vials of Parasite medicine, and most of the people were very grateful (although several younger children really didn't appreciate it much.)

Space age stuff for these kids!
But one of my favorite experiences was witnessing an 8 year old boy see clearly for the very first time. The Dr. checked his eyes and said that he had MANY problems and didn't think that they would ever find the right prescription (out of the many pairs of used glasses they had brought)

Seeing clearly for the first time!
but they found the perfect prescription and I got to watch as they put them on him and he said, "I can see!" and looked all around in amazement at the beauty of the mountains and people and things that he had never in his life seen clearly before. Then, I looked at his mother, who put her hands up to her face and cried as she watched this miracle before her eyes. It was so, so touching.

Dr. Rick pulling more teeth
After, passing out all the medicine, I had the privilege of working with the Dentists and an OR nurse. Just putting on a pair of rubber gloves and working with the medical people brought joy to my heart and made me realize how much I missed working as a nurse. All I did was help clean instruments and hold down some children for extractions and hold the peoples hands to help them through, but I never realized how much joy that could bring to me. The Dentists (as well as the others) were so loving and caring, it was just a blessing to watch them work.

Church service in Aguacatán
During the week, we also attended 3 church services, a funeral (which was so sad but it was very impactfull to us all), a singing and evangelism time in a market place, painting in a school and 2 maps in the Huehue Guest house, and several kids meetings. We also, had the chance to give out 12 Water Filters in Agua Dulce. It was busy, busy, busy! The fellowship we shared through out the week was so awesome, and I am so, so thankful to God for allowing me to enjoy such a blessed week.


Sarah said...

Very cool!! I have not seen your blog before. I am looking forward to reading more of your adventures! We can not wait to get to down there, looking at your pictures makes me want to hop on a plane tomorrow. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed working with you. Hopefully, I can get back there again soon. My prayers will be with you and Mike as you serve Guatemala.

Kim said...

I loved reading this Sandi and smiled so big because I knew you were so hapy to see Jesus at work. What a cool story about the little boy and the glasses, just like Jesus to bring him the right pair!
with love and prayers

Ruth said...

SO glad you got to be nurse! What a blessing!!

Ruth said...

Weird. By the way, ENA Discussion Group is me, Ruth ;)