22 October 2013


Just a quick update on Offy.
Since the last report we have just been waiting on a few more tests to be done.
The doctors are wanting to try to build her defenses up a little more so she and Wendy can go home to Chiantla, Huehuetenango for a while.
Offy has had some problems with her heart the past few weeks with her pressure going up and down and her heart beating too fast or slow. They also are saying there is some air in her heart?
Anyway, they were hoping to have been able to go home a couple of weeks ago but are still here.
Today they received back word that her heart situation seems improved and she will have another test tomorrow and tentatively will be able to go home on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.
We will take them in our car so they don't have to go by bus because that would still be hard on Offy's condition. It will be about 5 hours by car, more by bus.
So, please keep praying for Wendy and Offy.
Wendy continues expressing her gratitude for all the prayers and knows God is listening.
Thank you.

04 October 2013

Pray for Offy

We have an update to share with you about Offy.
My last few updates were optimistic after the last surgery although we had not heard what the 'mysterious' mancha, or stain, was. 
We have spent a fair amount of time with Wendy and Offy over the past several weeks and Offy seemed to be regaining some strength and energy. 
Last Sunday we spent the day together and Wendy told me that the results from the biopsy had finally come in but she didn't know what they were yet. The doctors were to meet the first part of this week and then they would meet with Wendy and let her know what was the deal.

Wendy & Offy
Wendy called me this evening and let me know that the 'mancha' is more cancer.
At this point there is no new plan. The doctor said to pray to God because it doesn't look like there is more the doctors can do.
They plan to finish the round of medicine she is in this week, then do some blood work perhaps Thursday. 
There is a possibility that if she is strong enough they may make a trip home to Chiantla, Huehuetenango after that. 
There is a possibility they may decide to do another biopsy to confirm, but that is just a possibility at this point.

Please, please pray for Wendy & Offy. I hate cancer. 
Wendy is leaning on the Lord, giving Him praise and accepting that He is in control and His timing is perfect.
Please keep them lifted before the throne and ask for strength for us that we also could help comfort Wendy and that we may be available to help as needed.

As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord is flawless.
He is a shield
for all who take refuge in him.
                                         Psalm 18:30